WRAL Channel 5 requested I fill out their survey for Candidates for the US House, here are their questions and my answers.
WRAL Questionnaire 2024 North Carolina Primary U.S. Representative Questions
Why are you running? What sets you apart from the other candidates?
I, Eugene F Douglass, a Republican Candidate for the US House NC District #2, Propose the following:
1. LOWER TAXES, SIMPLIFY THE TAX CODE - A lower flat rate, with minimal deductions, for individuals and businesses.
2. LESS GOVERNMENT REGULATION – End the Censorship Big Brother push. Bring back power to the states, with less interference by the federal government in state and local affairs.
3. LOCAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. Elementary and Secondary education needs to be under the control of state and local entities. The Federal Government spends far too much money supporting a bureaucracy in Washington D.C., developing fancy educational policies that hinder the proper education of our children. End the Department of Education
4. A TRUE LOOKING AFTER THE RIGHTS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN AND ADULTS. Protect innocent human life, from conception until natural death. Free from removal of body parts, sterilization, mistreatment and ev…