There's a thought experiment I like to play with liberal friends, which I call King for a Day. The idea is, you are the king, you control everything. Now go ahead: what does your America look like?
What new laws will you make (or abolish)?
What will tax rates look like?
Will we bother with a Constitution or a Supreme Court?
Would you abolish "hate speech?" The Electoral College?
Please, be specific.
It's a pleasing yet confounding game for leftists. Pleasing because they get to play out their progressive fantasies; confounding, because they discover they don't know where to stop. You see, that's the thing: progressivism has no philosophical limits. It always wants more. More government, higher taxes, more regulations...more.
When an objective is achieved, the the goalposts are immediately moved, because they always need a cause, beliefs to cherish, a reason to march in the streets.