Raleigh News and Observer ENDORSES, him.....
Alan Swain has been endorsed for the Second District of North Carolina Congressional Race! Congratulations to him for being endorsed by the Capital of North Carolina Newspaper!! Shout it out! Go GOP!
He must be honored, particularly to publicize it as he did on a local Facebook group.
I, obviously, am one of the candidates, and below is a questionnaire I filled out for the News and Observer, a McClatchey Publishing organization and the Wake County Voter Education Coalition, for their “endorsement” processes. Based on the questions they asked me, I frankly do NOT think I will get their endorsements. But, it was a useful educational enterprise, to answer some “tough” LOADED questions, which of course to liberals have only ONE correct answer. Gee, I wonder why they endorsed the “other guy” who also has sterling credentials in public service. Perhaps by reading the below you can understand why they endorsed him, and not poor old me…… - efd
The questions and answers:
McClatchey Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate questionnaire for NC congressional races in the 2024 primary election
Campaign website https://www.gdouglass.us
Current occupation - Consultant – Chemistry, and Science Education