Public Schools First NC Education Position Questionnaire
A loaded questionnaire from a decidedly liberal racist (DEI, CRT infested) organization who are working to destroy the NC public school system from the inside.
They phrased their questions in a yes/no format declaring, either I supported their position as written or not. Hardly a nonpartisan honest desire to find out candidates positions. I hope you enjoy my responses, and feel free to use them in your discussion with these clowns, or their supporters. I wrote this as a retired College educator in Chemistry, mathematics and physical sciences.
These challenges (which I rephrased into the form of a real question) and my answers follows their format for the lame PDF they sent me and “required” me to use.
Here is their stupid pdf template, which I will NOT fill out as is:
Responses by Eugene F Douglass, MS, PhD
Republican Candidate for US Congress North Carolina District #2
These questions, in italics are LOADED with partisan political content, and your organization claiming it is nonpartisan is just being dishonest. My responses will follow your statement, and my answers cannot be given as yes/no answers, but need to be made clear, as someo…