A great followup of my position in the earlier Podcast post of a Twitter Space hosted by Fool Nelson. He summarizes well my position of God and the World He made and orders, in His own way —— efd
Commentary By Stan Mast
Anyone who regularly preaches on the Lectionary knows all too well that the there are times when the choice of readings doesn’t make sense. That is not the case for this First Sunday after Epiphany when we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. The “main” reading from the Gospels is, of course, about the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. At that event, the voice of God rang out over the waters of baptism and the glory of the Lord Jesus was manifested for the first time since the three Kings brought their gifts to King Jesus. In Psalm 29 we hear the voice of the Lord ring out over the waters, prompting all the Mighty Ones in the universe to cry, “Glory!” The occasion for this epiphany is not the birth of a baby, but the onslaught of a mighty thunderstorm.
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