A great Twitter Space about the need for military accountability, particularly those who time has provided evidence of military leadership violating the law, being insubordinate to their Commander in Chief, like General Milley who called the CCP, without approval to tell them he would warn them if Trump had launched missiles in their direction.
Or those who violated the law to mandate Covid-19 vaccines against the real Religious Objections of Servicemen which were summarily dismissed and those who refused were discharged. And others who helped the deep state perform a “soft coup” to remove him from office, and to prevent his reelection, from their military positions.
This is a concern of mine, because the US Congress needs more Republicans who will work with the reelected President Trump to make sure these traitors to our country and the US Constitution are recalled and prosecuted to the fullest extent of US Military law. Not people who worked to undermine him as President - efd
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