Article 12.11.2019
Part 1: Today’s Tension: Broad Versus Narrow Complementarianism
Part 2: Different Intuitions and Pastoral Burdens
Part 3: How Do We Move Forward? A Better Understanding of Authority and Equality
Part 4: How Do We Move Forward? A Better Understanding of Abuse and Gender
Part 5: How Do We Move Forward? A Re-Commitment to the Sufficiency of Scripture
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Part 1: Today’s Tension: Broad Versus Narrow Complementarianism
It seems to be a moment of reckoning for complementarianism. One can tell since the loudest questions aren’t being asked from outside the camp, but from inside. Authors like Rachel Green Miller have quipped, “Am I complementarian? I used to think so.” [1] Complementarian Aimee Byrd’s forthcoming title communicates the same ambivalence: Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The title riffs on one of the foundational texts of complementarianism: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Beth Moore might be the most well-known personality who, while c…