A great article for perspective - efd
For a long time now commentators, from both left and right political spectrum have said that the United States people are in a sort of war. Good against evil. People who believe that life is sacred and ought to be protected against those who see the right to terminate a pregnancy up to the moment of birth and perhaps past that is “sacred”. It doesn’t matter which side you are on or whether you are indifferent, you are at war.
I agree, yet I think that the real war is not found in the places we normally look. I believe that it’s not found in the Supreme Court, or the Congress, or a protesting picket line.
I believe those are just minor skirmishes. Most pundits don’t want to talk about the real fight. Either they are afraid of bringing it up because they will be ridiculed, or they don’t really believe that it is a real struggle.
The Apostle Paul tells us clearly what the real battle is about.
“12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against…